Questions & Answers

Studio one Artist 2

+1 vote
asked Apr 28, 2020 in Studio One 4 by janlundstrm1 (130 points)

I have an old Studio One Artist 2 that im trying to re-install into my computer.

But i cant, i cant register my product even though I have a product key.

It says it has already been used.

Well yes, on my computer like 5-6years ago.

Then I uninstalled everything and cleaned the comp.

Why cant I re-install the stuff i bought?

Hope you Can help!

I realy wanna use my stuff without having to pay lots of money again.


//Jan Lundström

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 28, 2020 by wvwoodard (150 points)
Having the same issue trying to install on a new computer. Claims that I don't have the license to install it even though I've had the program for several years.