Questions & Answers

Can I get the discount on Notion 6 crosgrade if I have Studio One Professional from Splice Rent-to-Own?

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asked Apr 28, 2020 in Studio One 4 by ricardoguarilha (210 points)
Hey I am trying to purchase Notion 6, "Notion 6 Crossgrade from Studio One Professional 3 or 4"

but it keeps telling me I have no registered product, I am curious to know if the ones who acquired Studio One (including me) through Splice's rent-to-own are not eligible for this discount, am I missing something?

1 Answer

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answered May 3, 2020 by jkloftin (340 points)
I just went through exactly the same frustrations. The answer simply is...No. You must pay off Splice first and then use the new registration number they will send you to download a new instance of Studio One. I had to wait about a day before I got all of the information to do that. Then it took several hours to download all the instruments in Notion, and now it tells me it doesn't have the piano. Good luck!