Questions & Answers

Studio 1824c headphone jacks not monitoring ADAT channels in UC Surface

0 votes
asked Apr 28, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by krollb (300 points)
I have a Studio 1824c with a Digimax D8 connected by optical. I am using the most recent Universal Control win x64 on a Windows 10 laptop and most recent firmware for the 1824c version I have 8 channels of mics running through the Digimax, and another 4 channels running through the 1824c directly. on channels 3-6. The 1824c is set up to take clock from the Digimax.

In UC Surface the mix is set to Main, all the sliders are in position.  With headphones plugged into the Headphone Monitor 1 of the 1824c I get clear monitor audio from the 4 channels running through the 1824c but nothing from the 8 channels on the Digimax D8. I can see LED light response on the front of the Digimax so I know that the mics are hot. I can see good meter levels for those 8 ADAT channels in the virtual metering/mixing screen of UC Surface so I know that the 8 channels of ADAT signal are getting to the Universal Control. I am able to record all of the channels in my DAW.  I would like to use UC Surface for monitoring as I don't need the overhead of my DAW for practicing and other applications.  

I have been through the manual and all over the Presonus site with no solution.  Does anyone know what am I missing please?


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2021 by stevedandrea (200 points)
So I know you posted this over a year ago, but just in case you never solved this, or for anyone else out there having the same issue, I have a fix. This seems to be mainly an issue with the Universal Control app and windows 10 users (which I am). Steps to fix:

1. Turn on your computer

2. Turn on your interface

3. Turn on your ADAT device

4. Open universal control app

5. Whatever sample rate your interface is set at, change it. Then, change it back again to your actual desired sample rate.

6. Congratulations, your ADAT inputs are now routed to your main mix output.
0 votes
answered Jun 11, 2021 by krollb (300 points)
Thanks steveandandrea.  Your solution might indeed work for some, but the fix that worked for me that I got from Presonus Tech Support at the time (after I struck out looking for an answer on this board) was that while I had an Toslink optical cable connection between the 1824C and the Digimax, I *also* needed to connect a BNC cable between the two units to get the clock synched.  Once I did that it worked like a charm.