Questions & Answers

"Audio Renderer error upon opening Studio One Prime"

+1 vote
asked Apr 28, 2020 in Studio One 4 by sethsteiner (130 points)
Hey Guys, I just started to use Studio One 4 Prime. (Cooming from mixpad). I LOVE the software and all the features that it has, but the one problem is that every time I open the Studio One software, Youtube says "Audio Renderer Error. Please restart your computer." Once I close the Studio one Software youtube works again. Thanks in advance!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 24, 2020 by randybachman (160 points)
I'm very new, just installed. i have the exact same error. i ran into this when running the tutorials and trying to follow along in the software.close the software and you tube begins immediately working fine.
0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2020 by jimwolfe1 (570 points)

I'm using 4.6 Pro. I've just updated the Universal Control for my AudioBox 96 and Atom and now I get "Audio Renderer Error. Please restart your computer." when I have Studio One and YouTube open. With S1 open, I can't play sound from anywhere else i.e Spotify.

Everything was fine before I did this!
