Questions & Answers

I can't change the sample rate of Studio one prime.

0 votes
asked Jun 10, 2020 in Studio One 4 by josiahmagallon (200 points)
Hello, I am new to Presonus.
I am using Windows 10 x64, and, for right now, I am going with Studio one 4 prime. I am trying to use my Bose Tonematch t8s as an audio interface. However, Studio one prime can only have a sample rate of 44.1 kHz, and my T8s is using a sample rate of 48 kHz, so it does not recognize the t8s as an audio interface. Is there something in studio one prime I can't do? I've looked at all the other posts, and none of them helped.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 10, 2020 by joegilder (13,630 points)
Best answer
If you can't change the sample rate on the Bose, then I don't think there's anything that will help.