Questions & Answers

I'm not asking about Ableton. I'm just explaining that it is possible in Ableton.

–1 vote
asked May 8, 2020 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by jamesglass3 (220 points)
Thank you for you prompt response. Admittedly I don't know Studio one that well. I have tried side-chaining and muting the track that I am using to impart a rhythm through the gate but when I do this the gate just reads it a no noise so no gating action occurs. Maybe I am missing something obvious but I cant get the gate function to work with a track that is not heard. If you can explain how to do this It would be greatly appreciated as I am pulling my hair out. I've tried muting, changing the in/out for the tracks etc nothing works. I can't get the gate to function with a muted track.