Questions & Answers

Play marker won't move and songs won't play or record in Studio One 3

+1 vote
asked May 12, 2020 in Studio One 3 by stevewood (130 points)
As of about a week ago none of my songs or pre-made songs will play. All was fine before then. I've uninstalled the latest Windows 10 update that loaded within that timeframe with no difference. I can create a new song and add audio tracks and go through the motions of recording but nothing happens. The Play or Record buttons highlight but no marker movement and of course no sound. I've seen a couple older questions asked but no answers. Please help!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 12, 2020 by shamsmehra (140 points)
edited Jun 9, 2020 by shamsmehra

Hi Buddy,

This happens to me sometimes when I open another program with FL, the way I fix it is to simply close fl and restart fl.. I believe it's a driver issue so my recommendation is to check your sound drivers..


+2 votes
answered Jun 30, 2023 by timbremser (330 points)
Pretty late but may help someone..I opened Reason 12 stand alone too work some stuff then opened studio One 5 Pro and got a message that "Sound card did not load properly" and so S1 did not play and transport functions would not respond. So after a few hours of trouble shouting via restarting PC Uninstalling reinstalling S1 searching web and Presonus site etc, I tried to load anouther new song and got no midi instrument sound, went to Options/Audio Setup/Audio Device/ tab and found it had been reset to the Windows default sound card so I selected my sound card and all worked. Apparently Studio One's transport play functions will not react if the sound card is not properly allocated. Strange but true at least on my system. Hope this helps someone.