Questions & Answers

"Search" and "Sort" in macro organizer

+20 votes
asked May 13, 2020 in Look and Feel by himanshugarg1 (1,120 points)
Just that.

One of the best features of Studio One is the search function in almost every place.
How about adding a search in the Macro Organizer so that one doesn't create redundant macros?

Instead, one should be able to just search for keywords in the macro organizer.

Also, in the macro organizer, columns can't be sorted and so searching for a macro is even more difficult.

2 Answers

+4 votes
answered Dec 4, 2020 by paulandrewshephard (830 points)
Even better would be here to implement the searching as it is currently with plug-ins i.e.:typing and automatically bringing up results character by character
+1 vote
answered Sep 30, 2021 by rotemcohen (1,160 points)
yes please presonus this would help a ton