Questions & Answers

Advanced File Search Index / Sample Organizer

+14 votes
asked Apr 27, 2021 in Look and Feel by KoreyCreative (2,070 points)

I'm asking for a feature request for Studio One to gain an advanced search index / sample organizer (Basically just a straight up copy of the program called "loopcloud" from loopmasters.

Loopcloud is a sample organizer / index plus a sample pack store built into one. It scans your sample folder and puts tags on every sample (cache). It mostly just scans and reads the name of the file, but Presonus could improve this.

So once you find a sample you like, you can then manipulate it before dragging it into your host. Understand this is not more than one feature I'm asking for, I'm directly asking for all of this in one package.

A complete location to find, search, manipulate samples before you drag into your track and/ or sampler, but still inside Studio One!
