Questions & Answers

loading session from mac to pc

0 votes
asked May 15, 2020 in Studio One 4 by ernestdavis1 (140 points)
if someone recorded a session on an apple using logic x is there a way I can open that session in studio one 4 on a pc with out messing up the timing or arrangement

1 Answer

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answered May 15, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
Both Logic and Studio One support OpenTL, so you should be able to save your session in Logic as an OpenTL file, then you should be able to open that OpenTL file in Studio One.  I've never tried it, so I don't know how well it works.

Another method, and perhaps the most common method, is simply exporting all of the tracks in your Logic session as audio stems and then importing those stems in Studio One.