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I want to reinstall everything from scratch to the same pc, worried about licensing

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asked May 31, 2020 in Studio One 4 by nono63 (120 points)
Hello, everyone. First time user of everything related to this software. I hope I have this under the correct category. I also couldn't find much in the way of my specific inquiry. I wanted to ask on Piapro as well, but couldn't find a place to actually ask something. Some info: Windows 7 64 bit, Studio One 4 64 bit, Megurine Luka v4x disk box set.

I have been having issues with getting Studio One 4 to see Piapro as a plugin in the instruments list, but nothing I've tried worked. I went on this forum and other online forums to see some answers, but nothing worked. (everything installed to the same location, everything running on 64 bit, reinstalled Studio One 4, made sure it's up to date, OEM license, location settings, etc.)

So I decided I would just try uninstalling everything completely, and starting all over again from scratch. It will all go on the same computer it was once installed on. I've not started any projects or anything, so I am not worried about losing progress or files or anything. Instead, my biggest concern is this:

If I reinstall everything from scratch completely, will I have to purchase a new license? Everything will be reinstalled to the same computer. I'm not worried about Studio One doing this as I have already reinstalled it in a previous attempt to fix it. I am just worried I will have to purchase a new license to the voice bank or Piapro, considering they only allow you to register it on one computer, and one computer only. I want to do this as I am starting to believe it's WHERE I installed everything, as it was not under the standard directory. Also I thought I heard something about deactivating licenses? I don't know anything about that at all. If anyone has had to do this and can provide pointers or help, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thank you. If you need more info, please ask me.