Questions & Answers

PC Windows or Mac for Studio One 4?

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2019 in Studio One 4 by markstewart7 (120 points)
I am new to music production and need advice as to whether I should go PC Windows or Mac?  My software is Studio One 4.

Thanks for any and all help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2019 by alcyon972 (670 points)
what is your system right now ? you prefer mac os or windows for your everyday work ? how budget you have to purchase a system ?

you have a lot of question to answer before. studio one doing great in any mac or windows computer...

Mac are more expensive than PC when you want to compare in equivalent system. and you are preaty limited to a Imac (pro or not) or a laptop (macbook pro)

in PC/windows you can build a more powerful system (i'm currently on a ryzen 9 with 12 cores and 32 go RAM for less than 2000 €) and PC can be upgraded with newer component (SSD, more ram, cpu more powerful) and keep other elements (power supply, case, SSD, hardrive...screen !)