Questions & Answers

Softube Console 1 Fader is not supporting full daw mode

0 votes
asked May 21, 2020 in Studio One 4 by rgdubya (120 points)
My Softube Console 1 Fader will not control the faders on Studio One 4 Pro. I inserted the Softube Console 1 on the channel inserts, and it does control some things, but not the actual DAW faders. Did I miss something? Please help, Thanks!

1 Answer

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answered Sep 16, 2020 by adamtulk (140 points)
I imagine you have solved this by now but I had the same challenges!  I think it might be that you need to use the VST3 version of the C1 plugin in S1.  I have a bunch of other queries o/s with Softube on this.  Their manual talks about DAW control mode and non-DAW control mode (page 10 of the Console 1 Fader manual).  I am at a loss to understand how one might switch between these modes...  Still trying to find the optimal workflow for C1 with S1 and UAD...