Questions & Answers

Is it worth upgrading to Pro?

+1 vote
asked May 22, 2020 in Studio One 4 by lairdmav (180 points)
I currently have Studio4 Artist and realise it doesn't have an arpeggiator. I Know pro has an arpegiator in nastyfx is it? I also know pro has the project option, but my question is this,

Considering I'd only really be upgrading to use the arpeggiator, at the moment, is it worth the cost  as it's almost £200 basically just for that one feature. Or is it worth it due to other add ons, do you get many more synths and sounds for example, or are you just upgrading for the privilege of and arp and the project function.

Can any one recommend a 3rd party arp to use in artist?

Cheers in advance

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