Questions & Answers

Send tracks to multiple outputs/busses simultaneously

+20 votes
asked May 27, 2020 in Mixing by tommikujala (7,610 points)
edited May 27, 2020 by tommikujala
Currently you can only send tracks to one output/bus at a time. Sometimes you want to add a second or third output.. It would be awesome to add this feature in the future.

6 Answers

0 votes
answered May 27, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,340 points)
edited May 27, 2020 by matthewritenburg

This feature already exists. You can send audio to an unlimited number of buses if you are using Artist or Pro.  If your audio interface has more than 2 outputs you can go into Song Setup and enable more physical outputs.  In my example my interface only has 2 outputs, but this is the menu where you would configure additional outputs.  Even with a 2 channel audio interface you can add an additional set of outputs that could bypass main so you can audition a reference track or mixdown track without mix bus processing.

If you have an 8 output interface (4 stereo pairs) you can add 3 buses in addition to main and assign each bus to a separate set of outputs. 

You can see here that I added a bus and assigned to a different set of physical outputs than main. I set the bus pre-fader so the level is consistent:

+2 votes
answered Aug 25, 2020 by dronaacharya (540 points)
i hope this gets implemented but it won't because it's not really a "game changer" per se, but its a very very efficient way to do parallel compression and split vocals into multiple busses without duplicating or using sends. pretty much every other daw has it. hope it gets more upvotes.
+1 vote
answered Sep 13, 2021 by [email protected] (1,110 points)
I agree I would like to be able to use the additional outputs as monitor sends. Headphones "A" on 3-4, "B" on 4-5, "C" on 4-5... for example A and C might have keyboards and guitar B might have guitar only...  I can't figure out how to split a channel to multiple busses.  I got used to sending each musician a separate monitor mix that they could dial in themself with an iPad or Android phone... that would be golden in studio one
+3 votes
answered Oct 16, 2021 by stevedaymusic (960 points)
Yes, exactly - we need it to work like Pro Tools in that we hold down a modifier key while selecting a second buss, then the output of the track goes to two separate busses, NOT using sends.
+1 vote
answered Feb 15, 2024 by Paulde Visser (230 points)

Also: being able to select a bus (output) as the input for an aux channel is a "feature" that's lacking in S1. Auxes only for hardware (inputs)? Why? I was amazed to find this out. Hey, we're in the digital domain here. There are no limits to signal flow, so why aren't these basic workflows not implemented?

0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2024 by TonalDynamics (1,370 points)
You need to use a SEND to achieve this (multiple OUTs but better, since you can adjust the pan and levels feeding into those outputs with a SEND. Very common mixing/DAW feature, even on analog consoles no less.
