Questions & Answers

How Many Remaining Licenses?

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asked Jun 12, 2020 in Studio One 4 by garyschaff (520 points)
I installed Artist 4 on two laptops last September (using up 2, with 3 Artist remaining). But then I took the leap and purchased the upgrade to Professional 4.6, which is currently on only one of the 2 laptops. Two products.

Doing the math, do I have 4 Professional nstallations remaining on my purchase?

Thanks for listening,

1 Answer

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answered Dec 29, 2020 by dominiccappelletti (180 points)
I'd like the answer to this too.

It states 5 license copies max. However, what happens when you have a computer complete crash on you. Do you automatically loose that license forever? I had to build out a brand new computer from scratch. It's all up and I downloaded from my.presonus to get my software on this system. I'm already a (v4.6.2 build 58729) Professional user. How can I get Professional version 5 across all my products without doing Sphere monthly cost (I don't need that) my recordings are very few and far between, Studio2|6 USB and my AR12c?

I also bought a small ARC12c back in September for our band room which comes with Artist 5 and Capture. Planning on getting my laptop OS up to Win10-64 (at Win7-64 now) and what to be able to utiltize it no matter which system I'm on.