Questions & Answers

Studio One 6 Professional and Studio One 6 Professional educational, do they have the same features?

0 votes
asked Oct 20, 2022 in Studio One 6 by rubnbecerra (120 points)
I am interested in acquiring Studio One 6 and I am currently studying at a sound institution. I would like to know if the characteristics of the educational version are the same as those of the normal version

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 29, 2022 by daniellewalter (140 points)
Bonjour, mon logiciel ne fonctionne pas, je crois que je n ai pas telecharger Studio one lequel ? ? ? et plug in ? ? ? malheureusement je ne comprends pas l anglais, je n ai peut-ĂȘtre pas tĂ©lecharge ce qu'il faut, mais je veux le logiciel gratuit sans abonnement payant.  Et je ne trouve pas les pistes  ? ? ?Merci

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