Questions & Answers

Buying a transfer of SO pro

0 votes
asked Oct 26, 2020 in Studio One 4 by joshbraun2 (170 points)
Can I buy a license transfer of studio one (4) pro if I only have studio one artist (4)

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 27, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
Are you buying  2nd-hand licence of S1 V4 or wishing to upgrade from Artist to Professional via the web store?
0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by joshbraun2 (170 points)
Someone is selling their license. Its pro version. I have artist
0 votes
answered Oct 28, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
Okay, perhaps contacting support would be best.  As far as I know you need to set up the transfer on the sellers end and then there needs to be a fee paid to presonus for the transfer, from what I recall seeing a few years back.  I can't be sure if it's the purchaser or seller - But - I believe the seller will incur a processing fee for the transfer of the licence. That shouldn't be a problem.  Just make sure your sale is via a trusted 3rd party so you don't get scammed.