Questions & Answers

Sustain pedal not recording

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asked Jun 13, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jamesbond45 (120 points)

I am trying out studio one  and I am having some pedal issues. If I use a 2 bar count in and press my pedal down before recording starts, my sustain doesn't get recorded. If I wait for one bar to record and then press the pedal, it records sustain. Obviously I dont want to try to press the pedal right at the moment the recording starts so is there a setting that allows the pedal press while the count in is happening. Here is a screen shot of what the pedal is doing.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 14, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
I don't know, but you can hit the sustain pedal after you hit record, then later manually adjust the points on the sustain pedal automation lane.