Questions & Answers

Studio One Artist + VST Rewire Support or Professional

0 votes
asked Jun 16, 2020 in Studio One 4 by yaakovs (150 points)


In past I've been worked in Pro Tools but nowadays it's to expensive for me (I've used the m-powered version). Today I want back to my music passion and I wonder what version of S.O should I choice: S.O Artist (with interface) + VST support or put money into Professional subscription? I'm going to use the basic features indeed.The features I need are: composing (midi etc.), basic record, posibility to add vst plugins and basic editing and mastering features. Will SO.artist+vst satisfy me? I know I can find a lot of information but acctually my level of my English is limiting me. 

Thank you, yaakov

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
selected Jun 24, 2020 by garymaguire
Best answer
Hi.  The simplest answer is without the professional edition you will not be able to master your songs.  Also, professional edition comes with a key for Melodyne Essential too.  (You only get a trial version with the Artist edition).  Another way is to buy a Presonus interface which comes with a copy of studio one artist edition and then upgrade your software from artist to professional through the Presonus store at a discounted rate.  You won't need to buy the VST add on at all this way.  The Atom pad Production controller also come with Studio One Artist.  Professional has more instruments and samples than artist as well as the mastering tools.