Questions & Answers

Can anyone recommend a pc laptop that will run studio one smooth?

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asked Jun 16, 2020 in Studio One 4 by crypt67 (120 points)
I may want to over compensate to be sure the laptop can handle a heavy workload. I have a 10 year old dell studio laptop that has 8gb of ram and an I3 processor. This laptop works ok but is starting to break down. I am using studio one 4.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 17, 2020 by vasilykorytov (11,560 points)
I have a ThinkPad X390/i5-8350u that's good. I believe, T490s uses the same motherboard, but comes with a larger screen.

general advice: go with SSD, 16G ram and modern i5 (I can tell than Whiskey Lake performs better for realtime audio than Kaby Lake-R). also google for 'dpc latency laptop_model' before buying, cause some Windows laptops are just bad for audio production and you cannot do anything with it.