Questions & Answers

Can anyone recommend a midi controller that can be mapped correctly to S1 (V4.6)

+2 votes
asked Jun 29, 2020 in Studio One 4 by patrickregan (380 points)
I'm using Launchkey Mini which can be mapped to some extent but the drum pads can't be assigned in instruments like Mai Tai and in in something like Impact XT they trigger two sounds - the drum sound (good) and a keyboard sound (not so good). I know that the Launchkey stuff has been designed with Ableton in mind, is there a go to controller for S1; I don't mean does a keyboard manufacturer have a partnership with Presonus, I just mean is there a device that we know works without much fuss?

I can see some people have brought up this kind question before but I can't see any answers to it?


3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 29, 2020 by tylersteele4 (160 points)
Yo I got  a nektar impact lx 49+ it download  the DAW Integration files for rs1 from nektar and good to go. But beware if you have a UAD apollo interface you got to not allow it to interfere with the controller midi. My transport didn't work until I  went into the uad console and had to uncheck in the midi section my controller midi and it worked flawless ever since but that's only if you have a that Apollo if you don't, just download the Studio One integration files and your good
0 votes
answered Jul 1, 2020 by patrickregan (380 points)
Thanks Tyler - LX25 looks perfect for me - thanks for the recommendation.
+1 vote
answered Jul 12, 2020 by Felyon (390 points)
The Arturia Keylab MK II has a very good built-in template for Studio One 4.