Questions & Answers

Is there another more active Presonus/Studio One community website out there?

+2 votes
asked Jun 20, 2020 in Studio One 4 by garyschaff (520 points)
Although there have been views for my recent questions here last week, I haven't received any responses from these yet.  After a few days, I just copied my posts into support tickets for each one (which maybe I should have done in the first place). Observing, not complaining. Just want to be able to identify additional active Studio One resource communities online should I need them.  So are there any other online communities in addition to these resources here?  Thanks for listening, //Gary

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 20, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Go to the Presonus Youtube channel.  You will find a chap called Joe Gilder who does a lot of the Studio one tutorials. He is a long time user (like, a decade or so) and knows more than anyone I can mention.  Well, apart from Markus Huyskens who also has a channel dedicated to Studio One and also makes great videos on subjects Joe Gilder doesn't  always cover.  Joe also has a website called "Home Studio Corner" where he covers many basic production techniques like compression, e.q., mix set-up, efficiency examples.  As for your "no answer on the forums", some people read and then come back later with a comment.  Largely because we need time to process and many of us here answering questions are just plain old users.  I hope that helps you out.  
0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2021 by jruder (380 points)
I am also looking for a more active group.  I found this post by googling that very question!

On the Studio One 4 board there has not been a single response to any questions in 6 months.

studio one 5 board is not much better.

Also not complaining, just looking for the party!  -  :)