Questions & Answers

Is there a way to specify a custom install path for S1 4?

0 votes
asked Jun 20, 2020 in Studio One 4 by danlakss (610 points)
Is there? For reasons I want to install it to another drive which I can't do in the installer.

I guess I could move it and be sure to modify the registry keys to adhere to the move.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 20, 2020 by danlakss (610 points)
Best answer
I went ahead and did the above. For anybody wondering where you can find the install path in the registry:

Open up regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and navigate down to software and lastly you have a folder called Presonus. Modify the key by right-clicking on it and enter whatever location you moved Studio One to.

You should however add the option for a custom install path from the get-go Presonus. Keep in mind that a lot of users have split partitions where they reserve a smaller amount of storage for windows and the rest for user data.