Questions & Answers

Is there a way to install a plugin onto the StudioLive 24R?

0 votes
asked Mar 18, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by stephenwozniak (250 points)
I'd like to be able to transfer/install a vocal pitch correction VST plugin from my computer to the StudioLive 24R. Is that possible? Or if there is a way to install a plugin directly to the 24R via ethernet cable and an internet connection.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2018 by wietsesterckx (3,530 points)
selected Mar 19, 2018 by stephenwozniak
Best answer
No there's no way to install plugins to the Studiolive mixers. Presonus never said that this was possible.
0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2018 by wietsesterckx (3,530 points)
A VST is designed for a computer. There's no way to install a plugin to specific hardware which isn't designed to run this kind of software.
0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2018 by stephenwozniak (250 points)
What format does it need to be in in order to install. Really, basic question now that I know that VST is only for a computer, is it possible at all to install a plugin on the StudioLive 24R?
0 votes
answered Jul 1, 2018 by (370 points)
I would think you could route a channel or channels that you want to use that plugin on into you studio one recording daw via usb, avb, etc into a track or tracks then assign that plugin on it, then re-route that back onto the rack mixer. Essentially using the daw in a channel insert type of situation. I can do it om my RML32ai via firewire into daw. Wouldnt see why you couldnt do it with the series 3 mixers.