Questions & Answers

Having a VST control the tempo inside studio one 2

0 votes
asked Feb 20, 2016 in Studio One 2 by Damien-MFO (170 points)
Is it possible to have studio one 2 act as a slave to one of it's own vst's?

In particular, I own both Maschine from NI and Spark from Arturia. I'm beginning to look at using these live, but it would be nice to have both tempo and transport controls on the hardware (one or the other) functional while using studio one 2 as a host for everything.

I've tried syncing them via loopbe as standalones, but then I lose an audio channel for a mic... As long as studio one is open for that purpose, it might as well be hosting everything in one neat package, right?

I'm using Studio One 2 producer, fully updated, 64 bit windows 10.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2016 by LMike (14,690 points)
As far as I know, Studio One doesn't slave to anything under any circusmtance.