Questions & Answers

MIDI Copy and Paste creating new notes

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asked Jun 28, 2020 in Studio One 4 by alexandretersano (390 points)
Hello. I created a drum track using MIDI and the Impact plugin, but I cut the track into several sections, and when I try to convert the track to Audio I am missing some of the dynamics (for instance, a crash that I would like to hear sounding in the next section is being cut by the audio converter). So I am resolving this by duplicating the track and copying and pasting the midi notes to the new track. However, when I do that, new notes appear from out of nowhere! I am doing the following: duplicating the Original Track (complete); entering the original track and selecting all notes in the track using the pointer; copying the selected notes; selecting the Target Track; and pasting the notes in the Target Track. I already tried duplicating the track without the (complete) option and I am seeing the same problem.

All I want is a simple copy and paste - am I doing anything wrong?

I can send you a .song file with the tracks to demonstrate if needed.

Thank you,
