Questions & Answers

Does Notion 5 allow the addition of custom chord shapes to its chord library?

+3 votes
asked Feb 21, 2016 in Notion by mikeknott (280 points)

Let's take Dm... choosing this from the chord library offers ONE "fingering", down at the nut. Let's say I'm writing music hovering around the 5th position (classical guitar) and want to play Dm as an "A Shape" barred at the 5th fret...

I would like to be able to add this, and other fingerings, to the chord library to make them available for adding to current and future scores.

Is this possible? The "What's New" reviews of Notion 5 talk about the ability to add chord library chords and "user created chords". I'm hoping these are what I'm looking for but I'm just not finding a guide on HOW to do this.


3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 23, 2016 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
selected Mar 2, 2016 by mikeknott
Best answer
You can add custom chords Mike, but they are saved by document, not saved globally. On the palette, open the first box (an arrow and 'Text'), and select the chord diagram symbol. Place it on the score and give it a name (e.g. Dm). Then when it is placed and selected (will be orange), use the guitar fretboard to add fingerings.

This chord will then be available in the recent chord area (open the chord library and click the 'Clock' tab on the far right of the chord library)
+5 votes
answered Jun 2, 2016 by keldmarple (240 points)
Dear Presonus

This MUST be a mistake. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, that you cannot add new chord diagrams to the library on a global level. This - in mho - has got to be available in the next update.

Hoping (and looking forward to this added feature) :)
+2 votes
answered Nov 13, 2017 by trevorhanson (1,220 points)
In preference to updating the global chord library, I’d prefer being able to create private named custom chord symbol libraries. There are thousands of chord forms in common and less-common use — see Ted Greene’s Chord Chemistry. I might create a bluegrass library, a first position library, a dominant chord library, a lower four string library, a first inversion library, etc. It is important to distinguish the simple chord diagrams that go on pop lead sheets, which are basically hints for non-reading musicians, versus the more sophisticated diagrams used in educational material where voicing is crucial to an arrangement.