Questions & Answers

reamp with helix from line 6

+1 vote
asked Jul 1, 2020 in Studio One 4 by victorduarte1 (130 points)
Hello guys

im trying to reamp guitar with helix (line 6) routing is fine problem is when i playback the track, i listen the DI track and the reamped signal at the same time :(

I only want to ear the reamp signal and not the DI when choosing the amp...For example in Reaper we can solve this by deactivate master send new in studio one can you guys help me? ( sorry my english)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2021 by gaellain (200 points)
Hello. Have you find a  solution?  I have helix too by Line 6. I want . I am interested To share with you.