Questions & Answers

Is Faderport 8 compatible with ProTools Ultimate 2019?

0 votes
asked Jul 2, 2020 in FaderPort 8 by maikenhh (120 points)
Hi all,

I'm wanting to purchase Faderport 8 to mix in Pro Tools. I am hesitant go get it, as I worry it won't be compatible with my setup and cause me problems.

I am running Pro Tools Ultimate 2019.6 with OSX 10.13.1

Does anyone have any experience with Faderport 8 and PT ultimate.

Thank you

1 Answer

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answered Jul 3, 2020 by Michael Warner (1,170 points)
Have you googled this?  Faderport 8 runs in its native format for Studio One but it also runs in a couple of other modes including MCU (Mackie Control Universal) mode.  There are many videos on youtube with users going step by step through how to set up FP8 with various DAWs.  I've used my FP8 with Studio One, Logic, Ableton Live and Reaper.  I had minimal pain in setting it up for any of those DAWs thanks to the great diy videos on youtube.  Good luck. - Michael