Questions & Answers

Will 'Motu 8d' converter help to connect current Rackmount mixers to recorder with S/IPDF or AES ports?

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asked Jul 2, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by pavelmoiseev (180 points)

Hello, can you share your opinion please?

Will 'Motu 8d' converter help to connect current Presonus rackmount mixers to standalone recorder with S/PDIF or  AES ports?

This is a continuation of discussion thread Options to connect StudioLive 16R to digital recorder with S/PDIF or AES inputs?

R16, R24 or R32 have AVB port (labelled Network Audio)

Motu 8d can convert digital streams from/to AVB and AES or S/PDIF.

Will it be a solution for my initial question?

Thank you.

PS: why Presonus does not offer alike converter?
