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Please add the Monitor Mix as a send option for the AES digital output on Studiolive Series III mixers

+2 votes
asked Nov 20, 2023 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by jonwoodland (970 points)
I would like to use the digital AES output on my Studiolive Series III 32s to be a monitor mix. Currently the only options are Mains, Flexmix 1-16 and Subgroups A-D.

I am sending the Mains through the AES out to my Burl B2 Bomber DAC to my studio monitors. But I loose the ability to solo this way. If I could send the Monitor mix through AES then I would have full functionality with a top-of-the-line DAC.

I think this should be a simple add as the monitor mix already has to pass through an internal DAC just like the Mains, Flex and Subgroup mixes do.

Please let me know when this might be implemented as it's a huge selling feature for pro studios to consider your Studiolive mixers.