Questions & Answers

HD10BT headphones- how do I get rid of a beep emitted before every song? Thanks

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2020 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by Skipneumann (240 points)
HD10BT headphones- how do I get rid of a beep emitted before every song? Thanks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

This issue is specific to iOS and Bluetooth headsets in general, not just the HD10BT's.

To resolve this:

  1. Open Bluetooth preferences on iPhone, forget the HD10BT. 
  2. Then turn the phone off. 
  3. Then reset headphones. (Turn them off, wait 5 seconds, then turn them back on)
  4. Turn phone on and pair the headphones in Bluetooth settings.
  5. Play audio and see if the beeps continue or not.
