Questions & Answers

Using Nektar LX61+ MIDI keyboard with Studio One 5

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by tedmawson (300 points)
edited Jul 10, 2020 by tedmawson

I just received my STUDIO 68c and was able to download and install Studio One 5.  When I try to add the LX61+ it isn't listed and the file download here fails to install with a message saying that Studio One can't be found.  I can manually add the LX61+ within the options box it and set it to all channels but none of the extra features/controls are working.

It all installed and worked perfectly with that download in Studio One 4 when I downloaded the Prime version to play with before my 68c arrived.

Any ideas?

My system is a Dell XPS15 running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit and the LX61+ is connected via USB.

[EDIT] I found the MIDI Learn button as described by Gregor in his 'How to set up MIDI Keyboards and Controllers" video and the sliders on my LX61+ appear when I move them but the Play, Loop, & Record buttons (examples) don't appear when they are pressed.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 31, 2021 by grahamseaman (150 points)

I have exactly the same issue. My LX61+ worked fine with Studio One V3, but on moving over to Studio One 5 under Prime the keyboard doesn't show up in the list of controllers - only the GX and SE49 controllers. I've done exactly what Ted has done above and added the keyboard manually as a generic controller. The keyboard triggers the MIDI synths but none of the 'additional' items now work - transport controls, mixer/inst/preset buttons, or fader controls. I presume it is something within Studio One Prime which is preventing full operation of the keyboard, as it worked fully in S1 v3! 

My system is a Lenovo Ideacentre PC running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. The LX61+ is connected via USB directly to the computer.
