Questions & Answers

Why do I only have PreSonus Sphere as an option and not Studio One 5?

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by allinissekellum (150 points)
I recently bought studio one 5 and notion 6 together from Sweetwater on June 26th, 2020, and I was looking forward to upgrading to Studio One 5 but the only option I have is to upgrade to Sphere, and I really do not want to pay a subscription. I received an email that stated I had a choice to choose, but I only see PreSonus sphere as an option. Am I missing some information, or are the severs still down?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 10, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2020 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)

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