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tempo issues on audio tracks

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asked Jul 11, 2020 in Studio One 5 by michaelgoulet (260 points)

I'm having an issue with tempo. I have written a song. It sounds a bit slow to me, so I want to increase the tempo to 105 (from 100). All tracks respond except for my 3 vocal tracks. They stay the same. I have right clicked the track and entered the tempo for each, trying both 100 and 105, but no difference. Either way, it lags behind the other tracks .I tried moving the track to realign it with the instrument tracks. It physically moves, but the sound does not. Made sure they were in timestretch. No matter what I try there is no difference. I started thinking that perhaps Melodyne could be the culprit, but when I went in to Melodyne track by track for the audio tracks it indicated that it recognized a tempo of 100 but didn't give me an option to change it (melodyne 5 assistant) I have been trying for several hours to rectify, but no one seems to have the precise problem that I have. Any help is appreciated. (win 10)


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2020 by reginaldwilliams (150 points)
Try bouncing the track in the original tempo. Then in the inspector on the left, enter the tempo then try time stretching.