Questions & Answers

5.0 Ampire missing certain amplifiers

+1 vote
asked Jul 13, 2020 in Studio One 5 by dalecinski (210 points)
Is anyone else missing certain amplifiers from Ampire with 5.0?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2020 by maverickhurley1 (580 points)
how many amps should there be?  I noticed they are not many when I downloaded thru sphere.. I am new to presonus so not sure how many should be there
+1 vote
answered Jul 14, 2020 by lindsaybeswick (700 points)
Unfortunatly you only get one amp and one cabinet according to Presonus. You either have to buy the updated Ampire to get more amps and cabs or use 3rd party vst which you can just google them. In my humble opinion some of them are better than Ampire anyway.