Questions & Answers

Do I keep my Studio One 4.5 license if I upgrade to Sphere for free?

+1 vote
asked Jul 15, 2020 in Studio One+ by douganderson2 (430 points)
I can upgrade free to 12 months of Sphere. Will I still be able to upgrade to Studio One 5 at a later date if I decide I dont want Sphere. Yes I know I will have to pay the upgrade fee.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 21, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
Yes. Your current perpetual licenses are separate from the Sphere activated versions that you may install. Should you end your subscription you'll still have Studio One 4.5 in your account and you'll still be able to update to a full perpetual license of 5 if you choose.
+1 vote
answered Jul 18, 2020 by grimeyneedle (3,890 points)
Licenses paid for are always separate.  Sphere gives you access to version 5