Questions & Answers

Sound Variations as Note Attributes / Attach Sound Variations to Notes

+105 votes
asked Jul 16, 2020 in Sound Variations by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Currently, Sound Variations are time-based, separate from notes and can be inserted at a certain position. Keeping notes and Sound Variations in sync is always a problem when notes are moved around or copied.

For an alternative workflow, we need a way to attach Sound Variations / Keyswitches to notes. A Sound Variation would then behave like a note attribute instead of an individual event. Many people are used to this workflow and prefer it to the time-based approach.

The main benefit is that notes can be moved, trimmed and copied and would always keep their Sound Variation.

19 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 16, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+5 votes
answered Jul 17, 2020 by samirelborno (8,440 points)
This is my preferred way of working. In Logic as well as cubase. So please

+5 votes
answered Jul 17, 2020 by kolstad (500 points)
+1000 Yes, this!
+5 votes
answered Jul 17, 2020 by alberthislop (1,000 points)
YES!  I like it!
+5 votes
answered Jul 18, 2020 by micheletacchi (2,170 points)

this is pretty much the only way articulation switching should work: articulations TIED to the notes instead of being a separate entity.

The way Logic does it is absolutely spot on and by far the best currently available.

Please if you focus on this and on the score editor, you can absolutely overcome all the competitors because you have in your hands all the ingredients to satisfy the target of orchestral composers.


Best regards
+4 votes
answered Dec 1, 2020 by sunlove (4,330 points)
+1 You got my vote honest vote for that.

To move notes around without losing the articulation is necessary for a sensical workflow. I don't see why both articulation and note are separated and have to be moved independently of each other.
+4 votes
answered Dec 6, 2020 by arturoalberogabriel (1,360 points)
I agree. This is the way I used articulations in Cubase and I think it's more "musical".

Related to this, I do think that Studio One should look the good things of the Cubase Expression maps (I've added 2 features in the request zone: view KS in inspector and remapping KS -to have them assigned to a controller easily, and to make Babylonwaves develop his maps to SO5-).

If they improve these things KS in Studio One would be awesome.
+3 votes
answered Jul 17, 2021 by lucasorthmann1 (640 points)
Another huge +1!
When working with orchestral samples there's usually A LOT of moving around of notes involved, since in most cases all articulations will have different attack times. With the way Sound Variations are working right now this is incredibly tiresome work, because you always have to pay attention that you move notes and Sound Variations together.
This would not be any problem at all if the Sound Variations would 'stick' to the notes. The newly implemented 'Musical Symbols' are a step in the right direction, If you could apply the same technology to Sound Variations as well it would be perfect!
+3 votes
answered Jul 19, 2021 by welltempered (300 points)
+1  This is really important.

Getting SVs to attach to the notes would be a real game changer, IMO more so than the current improvement with Symbols. Why?

(1) It’s a workflow killer when you move/nudge notes and the SVs don’t move with them.
And for those who work in notation, like me:
(2) When I need to copy and paste a few bars of all the strings as an example, I have to go separately to each of the 5 strings sections in the MIDI and copy/paste, in order for the SVs to be copied as well. Would be much faster to be able to copy and paste all the strings in one go from the Score View if the SVs attached to the notes.
(3) Using symbols don’t help much with libraries like VSL that have so many sub-options - there are 6 different staccatos in Synchron Strings Pro, not to mention all the attack and release variants for many of the articulations. So I have to go to the Piano View anyway to use the dropdown menu to select the SV and specify the right kind of staccato, legato, long notes etc. Would be much easier if I could select the notes in the Score View and choose from all the SVs in a drop down menu right there.
+3 votes
answered Jul 20, 2021 by hassandurant (210 points)
For me, it would be helpful if you could have both workflows somehow. I think you should definitely be able to attach sound variations to specific notes by highlighting -> selecting the variation. But I do like the time-based approach for when I have no idea exactly what I'm going to write in a section, I just know I want to use X articulation (for now) and have it stay that way during playback.
+3 votes
answered Aug 10, 2021 by sintil8 (660 points)

May the sound variation go with you Lukas, thank you for raising this topic.laugh

Best regards.

+1 vote
answered Sep 19, 2021 by andreygorshkov (190 points)
I voted for. In my opinion this should be the main way to switch. Better yet, there was an attribute not only for switching articulations but also for shifting the time of each articulation. Without this opportunity, we cannot work exactly on the grid, we constantly need to shift notes a little earlier than the grid, and for each articulation this shift is different, for example Legato -120ms, Spicatto -40ms, etc.
+1 vote
answered Dec 14, 2021 by Musicmind (620 points)
Yes that would be nice!!!
0 votes
answered May 20, 2022 by Lokeyfly (1,800 points)
Try right clicking on a note (or notes) directly. Then select the articulation you need. For example, they're already mapped in a Presence XT patch. The articulation will then follow that note which is also abbreviated with the articulation. It is also shown in notation.
+1 vote
answered Aug 28, 2022 by MarciaFunebre (960 points)

Yes, please... yes

+1 vote
answered Apr 20, 2023 by dominikschiller (2,250 points)
+1 That would eliminate so many errors on the way and make the process so much more enjoyable.
+1 vote
answered Nov 11, 2023 by sachalaskow (350 points)
Why would anyone ever NOT want this? This should be treated as a bug.
+1 vote
answered Mar 16, 2024 by CodyWright3007 (610 points)
+1, I know they added musical symbols but it doesn't seem that they record when recording live and switching with macros
0 votes
answered Aug 6, 2024 by AlonsoJoaquin (2,120 points)
omg I really really really want this. It would help save SO MUCH time. Please Presonus!