Questions & Answers

Note Ability - Project Page and S1 -5

+13 votes
asked Jul 22, 2020 in Mastering by one20ne (930 points)
Please add a "Note" feature in S1, particularly on the Project page. I would like to have a free text field or something loosely structured to allow myself to listen to a track and make notes of changes I want to make right in the project page. I have been using Flags to do that on individual song files but it is clunky.

Sometimes I am in listen mode and I just want to make note of what I need to do quickly without putting it on actual paper and without actually doing the change (particularly if it will take some time or if I'm tired and not in producer/mixer mode). I think it would be a useful feature overall. Maybe something could be on the event or track sort of similar to "Event FX" where you click the little "fx" in the corner and it pops the Plugin up. Or the project page could have a little not icon on each waveform in the sequencer when there is a comment/note on it.

Or maybe this feature already exists? I haven't found it yet if it does.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Jun 7, 2021 by darrensmith3 (1,290 points)
This is a major pain in the butt that I have to manually make notes outside of Studio One in the Project Page.
This would be so useful.
Great request
All the best