Questions & Answers

Setting start and stop regions when bouncing from the Song page to the Project page

+3 votes
asked Mar 15, 2022 in Mastering by tonygranito (240 points)
Hello, In a future update, it would be cool to be able to set start and end markers ( ala the export mix down option ) to take advantage of linking a song to the project page.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 16, 2022 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Could you elaborate on this?  I use the Start/End markers to define the area that defines the "song" but can't tell what it is you are asking.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2022 by bradleyriddell (150 points)
i can elaborate a bit on this i think. when i do a mixdown in song mode it takes the length information from the markers that i set at the top but when i try to import the song into the project page i have to goto the song setup then manually input the song end. for some reason atleast with studio one V6 it isn't taking that information from the markers set for mixdown i guess you would call them the loop markers