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Some mastering requests to make Project page a true Mastering Daw

+5 votes
asked Aug 2, 2024 in Mastering by JoeCaithness2764 (250 points)
Hi there, I'm a mastering engineer shopping around for a new DAW.

I currently use Cubase and Hofa, but I want to use one software for everything.
Studio One Project has some amazing features I've not found anywhere else but....

From my testing Project page in Studio One is missing some key things to make this go over the line.

- No full meta data for Red Book standard

- No vinyl export sides mode using alternative markers in the timeline
- No normalization to LUFS within the project (I don't mean export)

- No way to copy paste and export large amounts of Metadata - Hofa does this way better than anyone with CSV support and copy to clipboard

- No way to turn off the production masters folder exporting a long wav of the entire album

- No way to customize the PQ sheet with "mastered by" or branding, this is also very good in Hofa.

If the devs would be keen I'd be happy to chat/beta test etc to see if it can happen! Cheers,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2024 by GTRtice (4,930 points)
These are all great ideas! One thing to note is that feature requests should be submitted on a "One request per post" basis. If you post these individually, I'll gladly vote for them.