Questions & Answers

Folders for multiout VST

+1 vote
asked Jul 23, 2020 in Studio One 5 by julienbonsergent (170 points)

I wonder if the behaviour of folder and bus for  multi audio/midi tracks could be done for a 1 track multi-out vst ? In my case i've set à folder and bus for Drums, Guitars and bass(electric + synth). For audio track/channel (guitars for me) a get it i've got 1 folder connected to my bus idem for my bass with audio and a vst synth. But for drums i set a midi track in a bfd vst and use the multiout that create 1 channel per out from the drums vst to be able to process each pieces of the kit separately.  But even if i've got 9 channel in the mix, in fact it's 1 track put in 1 folder  connected to 1 bus. In that case if fold the bus or the drum folder only the first channel in mix get folded in the mix windows  but not the remaining ones . Is there a thing i miss ?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2020 by Baphometrix (1,880 points)
selected Jul 26, 2020 by julienbonsergent
Best answer
Try putting the multi-out vst into a Multi Instrument. See this video: