Questions & Answers

my studio one 5 is nor recording any songs or rather any sounds i have exhausted all options please help

+3 votes
asked Aug 12, 2020 in Studio One 5 by duncanwaweru (150 points)
after downloading studio one 5 and tried  everything it refused to record and not picking up any sounds from my mic

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 17, 2020 by gregorywendfeldt (1,000 points)
Same here. Cords connected. Meter bars jump in Audient interface software, but v5 is dead.

Audient interface selected in S1 audio settings.

Record button on. Monitor button on. Correct left input channel selected for mono recording. Tried the right as well!

I can hear sound in headphones. As noted, Audient interface software detecting sound and Audient interface meters jumping.

Push record in PreSonus Studio One Version 5--the great new upgrade with Sphere!

Nothing but an empty audio event.

Two hours of reading manuals and poking around wasted. Tried it in Logic just to make sure. Clicked R and three seconds later I was recording. I wonder if she'll take me back?

Don't fear the reaper.
0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2022 by jasosnturner (280 points)
Same for me.  I get sound from my mic thru my audio interface, but nothing in Studio One v5.5.  The proper inputs are selected from the input track.  The track is armed for recording, input monitoring is enabled, and still no sound or levels. Just an empty event when I press record.  I've tried using my Audient iD14, and Scarlett Solo running my AT4833 microphone through a Pro MPA II preamp.

I've also tried removing/adding new inputs, toggling between different sound devices, and restarting my computer.
The only thing that worked was using a different DAW (Reason 11.3) to record.  smh
0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2022 by jasosnturner (280 points)


You have to go to "Security and Privacy" in System Preferences, then select "Microphone", and in my case, make sure Studio One and Cubase have check marks next to them.  If these are not checked your internal/external microphone will not work within specific programs installed on OS X.
