Questions & Answers

Studio 1824 routing problem

+1 vote
asked Aug 13, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by franciscoulange (150 points)
Hi, I'm French, so excuse my english.
I have a Studio Live 1824 and a ********* ADA8200 connected  with 2 optical cables. My analog synths connected IN on the ADA8200 work fine in Ableton Live. But my problem is with an Ableton live external effect. The input of the hardware effect is connected to an output of the Studio Live 1824 and the output of the hardware is connected to an input of the ADA800. It works sometimes... but very often, i have no sound. I tested this with two different hardware effects with the same troubles.

An idea ?

Best regards.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2020 by roelvan1 (480 points)
I exactly got this problem as well with the precessor, an ADA8000 and a presonus 1824c. Seems to work just randomly but most of the time it doesn't. I read a few other screams of help and they came up with switching bitrates and turn the 1824c on straight after starting your PC. sometimes it does work, but not a workaround for me.

Any updates so far? Love to work with not just the half of my studio :)