Questions & Answers

Prepared live loop in show page

+32 votes
asked Aug 20, 2020 in Show Page by emanuelnk1 (300 points)
A live looper which allows you to preprepare the sections, where to start recording the loop, and when to play it, on the the timeline .
(And basically allows you to do so for each track)

4 Answers

+4 votes
answered Aug 22, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

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+3 votes
answered Jun 2, 2021 by alastairmackie (500 points)
This would be really great, and would fill the gap in the market that ALK2 left when Zenaudio unfortunately didn't make it...
+2 votes
answered Jun 10, 2021 by alexander155 (190 points)
Thumbs up for that! I started to write post about arranged live looping, but I found your request. If they do that, it would be game changer and Studio One would be the best option for live shows and looping (now I think Ableton has nice looper). Look at this video, it's amazing what you were possible to do with arranged live looping in Alk2:

Guys from Presonus, please do that! It will improve Show Page possibilities hugely!
0 votes
answered May 29, 2022 by charlestelschow (530 points)
I think the easiest way to do this is to literally just put a record button in the Show page, like it could automatically bounce to a new project file and be split into songs already from your parameters in the show page, and with the automatic preset switching, I wouldn’t need multiple instances of my synths to seamlessly transition between sounds. I have been trying to get this feature added for actual years now, it’s the one thing that would make me never think of ableton again. Please Presonus, hear our live looping quantized cries