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In Show Page: Add function to EQ mixes to each hardware output on the back of Rack r16 and 2626

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asked Feb 20, 2024 in Show Page by jamesleahy (320 points)

Feature Request:
It would be great, in the Show Page, to be able to create either a VCA or Cue Mix to control all the volumes with one slider, while retaining the EQ for each of the assigned outputs on the back of the r16 or 2626.  It would afford much greater control and system stability.

I am using a Rack 16r as the primary mixer with a laptop running Presonus Studio One 6 in Show Page.
The outs on the back go to a monitor, center main, and a sub. These need their own EQ'd mix to get the best sound.
There isn't a way to easily do this.  I am able to currently by created a Bus Effects channel for each and assigning them to the outputs in audio setup. This way I can put an EQ on each speaker's bus. It works, but there is now no main volume to adjust the total sound going out to the mains (L & R), and the 3 other outputs.  Show Page does not allow them to be grouped, VCA, Cue Mix, etc. Additionally, this puts more drain on the laptop and potential to increase latency.  This also introduces other effects busses into the main output slider that are unwanted.

See 2 pics for how this is currently set up. The sound: Fantastic.  The function: taxing on the CPU of a 5.2gHz 24-core fast system
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