Questions & Answers

Presonus AudioBox iTwo strange output behaviour

0 votes
asked Aug 25, 2020 in AudioBox i-Series by andresayusofdez (150 points)
Hi folks.

I'm trying to use live professor 2 with my Audio Box iTwo.

I have two mono channels running into the iTwo In1 and In2. My problem comes with the outputs being mixed: I have both channels on both outputs. I have routed the signal as two mono inserts so in1 to chain 1 to out L and the same for the second input and out R.

Does this card have an option to change that? And if affirmative, where?

Thanks for your help. I'm getting stuck and don't know how to do to solve it as I need it for my work.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 25, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer
That's a question for the makers of LiveProfessor 2, as PreSonus does not make or support that software, you'll need to contact them.

In Studio One, you would set up direct sends for each channel to each specified output and disable the main output which mixes the audio to a L/R mix.