Questions & Answers

Differences in concurrent input channels between SL16 and SL32SC?

0 votes
asked Aug 30, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by cosmolab (200 points)
Thanks for the clearification - that explains a lot!

The Quantum-4848 is indeed an interesting device but would leed into the wrong direction (because it´s basically a computer audio interface which I exactly want to avoid).

"One last question":

Is there any difference between the Studiolive32SC and its predecessor Studiolive 16 regarding the maximum channels "at once". My question comes just because of the name "Studiolive16" to be honest  ;-)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,700 points)
Best answer

The StudioLive 16 Series III and the StudioLive 32SC have the same level of inputs. There are some minor differences. 

