Questions & Answers

TWO Insert FX groups for each channel just seperated with chain bar and individual MUTE button!

+1 vote
asked Feb 27, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
TWO Insert FX groups for each channel just seperated with chain bar and individual MUTE button!

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 10, 2016 by benreaves (11,480 points)
selected Mar 17, 2016 by Michael1985
Best answer
You mean two insert groups a la Pro Tools? This would be useful for things like sound design in the mix (and separating the two) or separating gain staging from actual inserts (although I would rather there be a pre-insert trim for each console channel).
0 votes
answered Feb 29, 2016 by LMike (14,690 points)

Below are two FX chains with all of their bypasses assigned to the same button.  Toggling the button toggles between the two FX chains.


0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2016 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
you missunderstood me, this is something for the overview. Using the splitter for functional things, this could be something to seperate the mixing FX from the sound design FX as example.